Amazon IoT
Whenever one of your integrated devices sends a signal to our broker, we republish the binary payload to the endpoint specified for its integration.
Integrate your devices
Go in the sidebar, click on New Integration and then on Amazon Web Services
Fill in the form choosing an AWS region and your AWS credentials. You can optionally choose to save them inside the local storage for future use. Once you're done, click Login
In this step, you have to specify the AWS group name (just alphanumeric letter, dashes and underscore are allowed), the custom topic and the devices you want to bind to AWS. When you're ready, click Create
If everything's worked as expected, you should be able to see a summary of your integration like the following:
The corresponding AWS Thing and AWS Group has been created as well, you just have to log in to the console and choose the same region on AWS. You'll be able to explore groups and things' details.
The device's name is specified as an attribute of the thing.
Final considerations
In order to save the data received by AWS, you must set up a rule. You can also test that everything's working with the AWS IoT MQTT client. Please notice that it's not possible to download the private key from AWS once it has been generated, by the way, we securely store it inside our database.
Warning: do not delete AWS things or groups directly from AWS user interface, otherwise the integration with Pybytes will stop working. Always use Pybytes interface to delete AWS things or groups.