This class provides a driver for the WiFi network processor in the module. Example usage:

import network
import time
# setup as a station
wlan = network.WLAN(mode=network.WLAN.STA)
wlan.connect('your-ssid', auth=(network.WLAN.WPA2, 'your-key'))
while not wlan.isconnected():

# now use socket as usual

Quick Usage Example

import machine
from network import WLAN

# configure the WLAN subsystem in station mode (the default is AP)
wlan = WLAN(mode=WLAN.STA)
# go for fixed IP settings (IP, Subnet, Gateway, DNS)
wlan.ifconfig(config=('', '', '', ''))
wlan.scan()     # scan for available networks
wlan.connect(ssid='mynetwork', auth=(WLAN.WPA2, 'my_network_key'))
while not wlan.isconnected():


class network.WLAN(id=0, ...)

Create a WLAN object, and optionally configure it. See init for params of configuration.

The WLAN constructor is special in the sense that if no arguments besides the id are given, it will return the already existing WLAN instance without re-configuring it. This is because WLAN is a system feature of the WiPy. If the already existing instance is not initialised it will do the same as the other constructors an will initialise it with default values.


wlan.init(mode, * , ssid=None, auth=None, channel=1, antenna=None, power_save=False, hidden=False)

Set or get the WiFi network processor configuration.

Arguments are:

  • mode can be either WLAN.STA, WLAN.AP, or WLAN.STA_AP.
  • ssid is a string with the SSID name. Only needed when mode is WLAN.AP.
  • auth is a tuple with (sec, key). Security can be None, WLAN.WEP, WLAN.WPA, or WLAN.WPA2. The key is a string with the network password.
    • If sec is WLAN.WEP the key must be a string representing hexadecimal values (e.g. ABC1DE45BF). Only needed when mode is WLAN.AP.
  • channel a number in the range 1-11. Only needed when mode is WLAN.AP.
  • antenna selects between the internal and the external antenna. Can be either WLAN.INT_ANT, WLAN.EXT_ANT. With our development boards it defaults to using the internal antenna, but in the case of an OEM module, the antenna pin (P12) is not used, so it’s free to be

    used for other things.

  • power_save enables or disables power save functions in STA mode.

  • hidden only valid in WLAN.AP mode to create an access point with a hidden SSID when set to True.

For example, you can do:

# create and configure as an access point
wlan.init(mode=WLAN.AP, ssid='wipy-wlan', auth=(WLAN.WPA2,'www.wipy.io'), channel=7, antenna=WLAN.INT_ANT)


# configure as an station

To use an external antenna, set P12 as output pin.

Pin('P12', mode=Pin.OUT)(True)


Disables the WiFi radio.

wlan.connect(ssid, * , auth=None, bssid=None, timeout=None, ca_certs=None, keyfile=None, certfile=None, identity=None)

Connect to a wifi access point using the given SSID, and other security parameters.

  • auth is a tuple with (sec, key). Security can be None, WLAN.WEP, WLAN.WPA, WLAN.WPA2 or WLAN.WPA2_ENT. The key is a string with the network password.
    • If sec is WLAN.WEP the key must be a string representing hexadecimal values (e.g. ABC1DE45BF).
    • If sec is WLAN.WPA2_ENT then the auth tuple can have either 3 elements: (sec, username, password), or just 1: (sec,). When passing the 3 element tuple, thekeyfile and certifle arguments must not be given.
  • bssid is the MAC address of the AP to connect to. Useful when there are several APs with the same SSID.
  • timeout is the maximum time in milliseconds to wait for the connection to succeed.
  • ca_certs is the path to the CA certificate. This argument is not mandatory.
  • keyfile is the path to the client key. Only used if username and password are not part of the auth tuple.
  • certfile is the path to the client certificate. Only used if username and password are not part of the auth tuple.
  • identity is only used in case of WLAN.WPA2_ENT security. Needed by the server.

The ESP32 only handles certificates with pkcs8 format (but not the "Traditional SSLeay RSAPrivateKey" format). The private key should be RSA coded with 2048 bits at maximum.


Performs a network scan and returns a list of named tuples with (ssid, bssid, sec, channel, rssi). Note that channel is always None since this info is not provided by the WiPy.


Disconnect from the WiFi access point.


In case of STA mode, returns True if connected to a WiFi access point and has a valid IP address. In AP mode returns True when a station is connected, False otherwise.

wlan.ifconfig(id=0, config=['dhcp' or configtuple])

When id is 0, the configuration will be get/set on the Station interface. When id is 1 the configuration will be done for the AP interface.

With no parameters given returns a 4-tuple of (ip, subnet_mask, gateway, DNS_server).

If dhcp is passed as a parameter then the DHCP client is enabled and the IP params are negotiated with the AP.

If the 4-tuple config is given then a static IP is configured. For instance:

wlan.ifconfig(config=('', '', '', ''))


Get or set the WLAN mode.


Get or set the SSID when in AP mode.


Get or set the authentication type when in AP mode.


Get or set the channel (only applicable in AP mode).


Get or set the antenna type (external or internal).

To use an external antenna, set P12 as output pin.

Pin('P12', mode=Pin.OUT)(True)


Get a 6-byte long bytes object with the WiFI MAC address.


  • WLAN network security: WLAN.WEP, WLAN.WPA, WLAN.WPA2, WLAN.WPA2_ENT
  • Antenna type: WLAN.INT_ANT, WLAN.EXT_ANT

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